Sunday, 8 March 2015

Environmental Activities in Bali

"I'm going to Bali soon!"

I told my friend last week that I would go to Bali again. Yes, it's my 4th time to go to Bali. But, this time would be different for me. 


I was invited by Bye Bye Plastic Bags (BBPB) to have some discussions and workshops. We have a plan to make BBPB representative of Diet Kantong Plastik in Bali. I live in Elvira's house. She's a mother of Melati and Isabel, founders of BBPB. Her house is soooo perfect! I love her nice house. I stayed in her house for four days. Her house was located at Pantai Seseh, Kabupaten Badung. 

This is my dorm. Can I call it perfect? :)
It's funny when you visited Bali, and you are hosted by "bule". Hahaha. Elvira is Dutch, but her husband is Balinese (but I think he is Javanese) and their daughters is half Indonesian, and half Dutch. Their friends are all bule. So, for four days, I speak English. Good for me! 

We did several meetings and workshops in Bali. I attended their monthly meeting which attended by bule and a little number of Indonesian. A big number of participants are from children (age 12-15) that they are the initiators of the movement. If I may compare with local children, this bule is more motivated, full of idea, good in team work, and enthusiasm. I hope you guys from local school can be more competitive with these bules. 

My very awesome experience was having Green School for workshop! Oh my God, was it a dream? No, it's for REAL! Me having a workshop in Green School? It's too awesome to imagine. Hahaha. 

Some screenshot from my activities in Green School. 

Yes, they invited local school to join the workshop. The ironic things I had when I asked about plastic bags life cycle to children, only students from Green School who knew about it, while local school didn't know about it. What can we do for our generation? Think about it and do action now!

In Green School, I found bamboo straw! Yeay, so happy to find them here. I cannot find them in Bandung and Jakarta. So, I bought some bamboo straw as a souvenir for my friends, so they will start to reduce using single use straw. Hehehehe.
"Bahagia itu sederhana" Wkwkwkw

Last day, we have final meeting before I go back to Jakarta. In the end, we have big final announcement that.....

The last few days were super inspiring and productive as we had a special guests visiting us from Jakarta.
Rahyang is the Executive Coordinator from Diet Kantong Plastik ...
a similar initiative as Bye Bye Plastic Bags on Java.
They have been working for a few years now to reduce to plastic bags.
It was great to meet & brainstorm, share ideas with a like minded local organization.
Rahyang attended our monthly meeting, did a nice work shop in our pilot village and
was a great help during the weekly Jalan Jalan group at Green school.
The mile stone of the visit was the agreeing that Bye Bye Plastic Bags
will be the representation for Diet Kantong Plastik on Bali and the other way around.
Even though we are separate organization , we are one movement .
We will support each other as we are driven by the same cause: SAY NO TO PLASTIC BAGS

A BIG THANK YOU TO OUR NEW FRIENDS FROM JAVA and we look forward to reach amazing things together.
(Bye Bye Plastic Bags, 2015)

I'm so grateful for this experience in Bali. Being recognize by other organizations about your movement is more than anything. People get the benefit of you movement. Well, my idealism is really work and I prove it! See! See! Hahaha.

Before boarding time, I killed my time in Seminyak to buy some natural products. And here they are....

Sorry, those are mine! hahaha


Fani said...

Good for you kang ! congrats ur hard work is paid off :D aku jd pengen mengikuti jejak akang jg nih 1 minggu 1 cerita, but it soo hard :(

Unknown said...

Thank you Fani!